Dynamic Professionals for Business Excellence

Welcome to Dynamic Professionals for Business Excellence of Ramon Magsaysay Technological University, Graduate School, Castillejos, Zambales.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

DPBE Constitution and By-Laws

Republic of the Philippines
Graduate School
Castillejos Campus
Castillejos, Zambales



We, the Dynamic Professionals for Business Excellence students of Ramon Magsaysay Technological University, in our earnest desire to foster closer relationship among ourselves that we may be able to work cooperatively on any activity that will redound to our own welfare in particular and to the progress of our MBA Organization in general, do hereby promulgate and adopt this Constitution and By-Laws.


Section 1. This MBA Organization shall be known as the Dynamic Professionals for Business Excellence and shall be identified as DPBE.
Section 2. This organization shall be a civic, non-political, and non-sectarian Organization.
Section 3. This organization shall be composed of bonafide MBA students of Ramon Magsaysay Technological University of the Graduate Studies Program.
Section 4. The Purpose of this organization is to carry faithfully the ideals and objectives declared in the Preamble of the organization.


Section 1. The DPBE is a MBA organization composed of dynamic professionals in different field of expertise.
Section 2. General Objectives:
a. to promote general welfare of the masteral students.
b. to unite masteral students in attaining common goals and aspirations.
Section 3. Specific Objectives:
a. to support the aims and projects of this institution in the advancement of education and upliftment of the student's moral values.
b. to help school authorities carry out the rules and regulations of the organization.
c. to be the voice of the masteral students in expressing their needs to the administrations.
d. to maintain its status as an independent organization.
e. to primarily be identified as DPBE an MBA Organization composed of dynamic business professionals.
f. to serve as a forum for discussions of issues and develop a policy agenda for DPBE.


Section 1. Masteral students officially enrolled in the Ramon Magsaysay Technological University, are automatically members of the DPBE.

Section 2. For membership fee - Every DPBE Member shall pay 100.00 every semester upon enrollment.

Section 3 Every DPBE Officer and Member shall pay specific fees for contribution for any class activities or class projects.

Section 4 Excess fund –all excess fund with regards to all contributions will become a secured fund for future activities.


Section 1. Oualifications of members.
This organization shall be open for membership to anyone with the following qualifications:
a. Bonafide student of Master in Business Administration of Ramon Magsaysay Technological University, Graduate Studies Program of Castillejos Campus.
b. Must posses good moral character
c. Must have satisfactorily passed all their academic subjects they were enrolled in during the previous semester immediately prior to their application for membership.
d. Must be able to prove their worth and upholding the values and principles of the DPBE Organization.

Section 2. Status of Membership.
The status of membership of every member shall be evaluated every second week of the first month of trimester. Members shall be classified according to the following qualifications:
a. DPBE members shall deemed active members if they are able to attend at least 50% of the total number of the regular activities held by the organization and are present in at least 50 % of the total number of special activities held within the current year.
b. The members shall be deemed inactive if the requirement in the succeeding paragraph is not met.
c. They shall be deemed probationary members if Section 1 (b-c) and paragraph (a) of this section are not complied with.

Section 3. Privileges and Obligations of Members
Privileges of Members
a. All active members shall have the following privileges:
1. To vote in the regular election of members.
2. To be voted to any position in the organization.
3. To attend all the meetings of the organization.
4. To participate in any activity and program of the DPBE Organization.
b. All members regardless of status shall enjoy the following:
1. To be recognized as members.
2. To avail of the trainings and other services that the organization shall offer.
c. To attend and participate in the regular and special activities of the organization.
d. To consult with the group regarding any major problem or conflict that may be experienced or encountered.
e. All members have a responsibility to promote and contribute to the general welfare of the institution.
f. All members are responsible in maintaining standard of the academic performance established by the university.
g. All members have the right to use the school facilities provided with the permission from the administration or officials of the campus.

Section 4 Penalties for non-payment of membership fee:
a. members of the said organization that fails to pay membership fee of 100.00 will lose the following:
1. Membership status
2. Privileges of members
3. No refund for the contribution fees


Section 1. The DPBE Board of Advisers shall be composed of two members.
Section 2. The advisers are elected by the students from among the professors of the graduate program.
Section 3. The advisers shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a. attend the meetings of the organization;
b. make themselves available for consultation to all members of the
organization, especially the officers;
c. assist in the planning of activities of the organization to assure that the activities realize the objectives of the organization.
d. Shall foster unity within the organization.


Section 1. This organization shall have the following regular officers:
Vice - President
Business Managers
Sgt. at Arms

Section 2. Any regular active member shall be eligible for election to any of the positions above.

Section 3. Any of the positions above is vacated only the following reasons:
a. inactivity of the officer according to Article IV – Membership Section 2 (b) and (c).
b. if the officer shall have graduated and is no longer enrolled in the University
c. failure of the officer to assume his or her functions as provided in Section 5 of this article and such failure threatens the organization's image or the success of any of its projects.
d. Failure of any officer to comply with the moral character requirement and is deemed to have committed any act that degrades the image of and negates the values that the organization stands for.
e. If the officer is unable to cope with his academic requirements manifested by failure in at least 30% of the total number of subject he or she has enrolled in during the semester immediately preceding the period of his evaluation shall be performed by all the regular officers with their advisers meeting in a regular or special session.

Section 4. Term of Office and Succession. All officers shall have a one academic year (three consecutive semesters). Any position vacated not by termination of the regular term of the officer shall be filled in by any member elected by at least a majority of all the regular active members of the organization in a special election which shall be held within 2 weeks immediately after the office has been vacated. The succeeding officer shall serve only for the remaining period of the term of the officer he or she has replaced.

Section 5. Election. The Election for the new set of officers shall be held on the third week of the first month after enrollment of every semester.

Section 6. Candidates to any position must file their certificate of candidacy in the
Commission on Election at least 15 days before the scheduled date election.

Section 7. The duly elected officers shall meet within one (1) week after the proclamation to which time the outgoing officers shall turn over all records and properties to the new DPBE Officers.

Section 8. Functions of the Officers. The Officers listed in Section 1 of this Article shall have the following respective functions:

A. Mr. Marlon D. Jaranilla - President:
1. To preside in all regular and special meetings of the organization;
2. To lead the members in their regular and special activities both within and outside the campus;
3. To represent the organization school and community affairs where such participation is called for;
4. To coordinate the functions of various committees and school officers regarding all major activities that shall significantly affect the normal operation of the school;
5. To make recommendations to the body and to the designated advisers on how to discipline members.
6. To delegate functions to officers and members as needs arise.

B. Mr. Dante O. Alatiit - Vice – President:
1. To assist the President in his or her major functions;
2. To assume and perform the functions of the President in his or her absence;
3. To assume functions and responsibilities delegated by the DPBE President and Advisers within the framework of this Charter.

C. Ms. Liezel G. Lachica - Secretary:

1. To make the minutes of all the regular and special sessions and meetings and submit a copy of the report thereof to the advisers and keep a copy for filing;
2. To lead in the documentation of all the activities of the organization.
3. To assume functions and responsibilities delegated to him by the DPBE President and Advisers within the framework of this Charter.

D. Ms. Jamaica F. Austria - Treasurer:

1. To keep records of all financial transactions of the organization including receipts, voucher, etc;
2. To make available such records to any member or any party who has a valid stake in the organization's operation;
3. To keep all monies from donations, contributions, solicitation, and fees of the organization;
4. To make a yearly organizational financial statement, a report of which shall be delivered to the body in the last regular meeting for the current year.
5. To present a budget and tentative schedule of suggested fund raising activities for the organization.
6. To see that the money used on behalf of the organization is used wisely and in a manner which suits its purpose.
7. To see the day to day expenditures of the organization.
8. To assume functions and responsibilities delegated by the DPBE President and Advisers within the framework of this Charter.

E. Mr. Arvin Hernandez - Auditor:
1. To make a regular audit of the organization's financial and other related transactions, a report of which he or she shall accomplish and make ready for public consumption;
2. To report any anomaly or defect in the disbursement and collection of organizational funds to the advisers and the Board of Directors; and
3. To assume functions and responsibilities delegated by the DPBE President and Advisers within the framework of this Charter.

F. Mr. Iredell M. Bueno - Business Manager
Mr. Bernabe A. Gamboa – Business manager

1. To lead in the designing of plans and proposal for projects that shall generate income for the organization;
2. To lead in the making of yearly budget for the organization;
3. To assume functions and responsibilities delegated by the DPBE President and Advisers within the framework of this Charter.

G. Mr. Norvadez R. Gonzales -Sgt. - At- Arms
Mr. Pocholo Mangohig – Sgt. At Arms

1. To call officers and members meetings to order, and shall adjourn each said meeting.
2. To see to it that all activities taken by the organization are in accordance with the constitution and by-laws.
3. To see to it that all members are given the chance to speak and to be heard at general membership meetings.
4. To supervise elections and see that they are carried out as set forth in the by-laws in a fair and just manner.
5. To oversee the impeachment process.
6. To lead in securing the safety of the members and functions of the organization.
7. To report any untoward events that shall threaten the security of the organization; and
8. To assume functions and responsibilities delegated by the DPBE President and Advisers within the framework of this Charter.


Section 1. Grounds for Impeachment
a. abuse of power
b. deliberate disregard of the DPBE Constitution.
c. willful misbehavior or scandalous and immoral conduct inside and outside of the campus.
d. Misappropriation of DPBE Funds and Properties.
Section 2. Grounds and Suspension
a. three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from the DPBE meetings and activities.
b. Officers of the DPBE may be impeached and suspended for his misbehavior with the concurrence of 2/3 votes of the officers.


Section 1. There shall be two classes of meetings namely: regular meeting and special meeting.
Section 2. Regular meeting composed of DPBE Members, which shall be held every last Saturday of the month from 11:30 am to 12:00 noon. In the event that the meeting is not held due to bonafide reasons, it must be held in the following Saturday.
Section 3. Special meeting shall be called for any time of the regular school days as may be deemed necessary.
Section 4. Any officers of the DPBE who failed to attend every meeting without valid reason shall punish as follows:
1. first absence. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .30.00
2. second absence... ... ... ....... …….. 50.00
3. third absence.. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. …..replacement
Section 5. Quorum. A majority of the DPBE Officers of fifty percent (50%) plus fifty percent (50%) of the DPBE-Members shall constitute a quorum to conduct a business.


Section 1. The DPBE Organization Officers whether elected or appointed shall take an oath of office to support this constitution.
Section 2. The DPBE Organization shall adopt the University Seal and the prescribed School Identification (I.D.) Card.
Section 3. All masteral students who will not wear the school I.D. shall be subject to fine 10.00 of which goes to the DPBE Organization fund.


Section 1. Amendments - This Constitution and By-Laws is or any provisions hereby may be amended, modified or replaced by a two-thirds vote of the active DPBE Members present, provided that the amendment proposed had been submitted in writing to the president and posted in the bulletin board of the school for at least two weeks prior to regular or special meeting dully called for the purposes.

Section 2. This Constitution shall take effect of on the day following its ratification and approval by the DPBE President.

Noted By:

Dr. Renato P. Ruba
Executive Dean
Ramon Magsaysay Technological University
Graduate School
Castillejos Campus
Castillejos, Zambales

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